FINALLY, mcr mau kesini...... tapi ga tau juga dibolehin ama ortu apa nggak... waktu itu sempet di bolehin tapi tiba2 gw kayak dimarahin gitu abis itu ga dibolehin... tapi mungkin sekarang udah dibolehin hehehe
Dan gw minta doa'nya ya supaya gw bisa ntn konser mcr!
Hi! My name is Safira. I'm 12 years old and I still study in a National Plus Secondary School in Tangerang year 7. Now, I live in Tangerang, I live in Tangerang since I was born. In my school, I have lot of friends. And my favorite subject is math, PE, and English. My hobbies is playing basketball, swimming, and watching TV. My favorite TV shows/cartoon is SpongeBob Squarepants, Doraemon, etc. My favorite music mcrrihannaavril lavigneetc. My great experience is when I went to Jogjakarta with my friends.
There are dangers of cyberspace like cyber bullying or something like that. Below, the biggest dangers of cyberspace :
☺Child predators who pose as teens or preteens. ☺Exposure to inappropriate photos, video, and text. ☺Excessive involvement in, and time spent on digital communication. ☺Viruses from many5 of people. ☺Exposure to misinformation. ☺Cyberspace Bullying. ☺(information from
But, cyberspace has many benefit too! We can make friend, find a job, find property, and many more.
Now, in my page I will explain about cyberspace. Cyberspace is the metaphorical space of computer systems and networks, in which electronic data are stored and online communication takes place. There are some ethics in cyberspace :
1. Remember the human. 2. Know where you are in cyberspace. 3. Make your self a good online. 4. Respect other people's privacy. 5. Don't abuse your power. 6. Share expert knowledge. 7. Help keep flame wars under control. 8. Be forgiving other's people mistakes. 9. All capes is considered "shouting". 10. Respect other's people time.